Friday, June 27, 2008

How To Get Licence Plate For Homemade Trailer

the plague year 1666 in Mainz-Kastel

The worst year of the plague in the history of Kastel was 1666th At that time, of the 920 inhabitants, more than 500 swept away by the disease - more than half. To the Catholic Church "St. George "they built to contain the Pestmauer the disease. Behind the wall were cared for sick and the dead buried in and around the church. The Mainz Elector sent the nurse Leopold Weigel Berger to Kastel, but the target could not much. Weigel Berger was paid by the municipality Kastel for his work with drug and about 1750 liters of wine. The Christians in Kastel prayed a lot in their time of need and chose the St. Roch became the patron saint. 1666 and later praised the long-suffering Kasteler residents, if this terrible scourge to an end going, and "tzwanzig people nit more become ill or died seindt" in perpetuity on a pilgrimage to the church, "Holy Cross" on a hill between Mainz and Weisenau a mitzutragen 15-pounder candle. Two years after that it was hardly to Gelübbde Pest disease patients. The Mainz mayor asked in a petition to the Archbishop of Mainz Hartrad von der Leyen for permission to perform the pilgrimage to be allowed. The letter of confirmation "Des reqs S. Rochi vovirten Feyertagss days" with the seal of the archbishop from 1678 is still preserved and is kept in the parish archive Mainz-Kastel. After the church was destroyed, "Holy Cross" in the military events of 1793, they led each year by a penitential procession in Kastel. On the occasion of the Rochus festival of 1991, the Society for Local History Kastel 1980 e. V. " (GHK) fit at a residual part of the Pestmauer in the Town Hall Street, a stone plaque commemorating the "Year of powerlessness" 1666th


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