Friday, June 27, 2008

Orange County Adult Theatres

Kasteler The musicians - Catholic church music from 1926 eV The association

In late summer of 1926, decided a few young men from Mainz-Kastel make music together. At first they were rehearsing in the restaurant "Stehling" in the Wiesbaden street. In the second half of 1926 granted the carnival association "Casino for mirth - Catholic men's club", a loan for the young musicians to buy instruments and music were. This was the basis for establishing the "Music Department of the Catholic Men's Club" set. In December 1926 were 16 musicians to the "Catholic men's club" when. As the anniversary was the 1st time August 1926 set. In the following period, the samples were held in the clubhouse of the men's club "to cheerfulness, directed by Albert length. The music group played at secular and religious occasions. After presenting numerous samples, which soon had grown to 20 musicians Brass band during the Corpus Christi procession of the public. From 1949 to 1970, the group worked as a guard band of Kasteler Jokusgarde. In 1974, triggered by the musicians' Casino for mirth - Catholic men's club " and were now independently active as an association. Initially served the club rooms of the TG Kastel and the clubhouse of Kasteler Dog Sports Club in the Ludwig-Wolker Street as sample rooms. Later, suitable rooms in the west wing of the redoubt were hired. Since 1971, the chapel is active as a great music Guards Corps of Mainz Ranzengarde. It also occurs in the uniform of the Garde Mainz Ranzengarde on with the Guard to "fight against bigots and Philistines" at numerous parades. Since 1981, the club on the second weekend of October in Mainz-Kastel by a hearty Oktoberfest. In 2001, the 75-year anniversary was celebrated. The design "Kasteler Musicians" Religion, Funerals, weddings, concerts, a talent show, brunch and carnival meetings.


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